Research and Development


TELNET teams work on software development in the field of information technology (IT), scientific and technical computing and embedded systems, real-time, as well as unit tests for critical applications.

These activities cover the following sectors:

Skills and expertise :

The TELNET Group's expertise extends to different norms and standards, different hardware, processors, systems, architectures, platforms and environments:

  • Processors: Intel, Motorola, ARM7 / ARM9, Cortex M0 / M3, PIC16F / 18F, ATMEL, TI, ST, Freescale ...
  • Systems: UNIX (Solaris, HP / UX, Linux, Aix), DOS, WINDOWS (NT, 2000, XP), Windows Mobile, Android, IOS, real time ...
  • Real time kernels: Nucleus, PSOS, VxWork, RT Linux, FreeRTOS, ...
  • Architectures: Object Oriented, Client-Server, Web, Multi-Third Architecture, OSEK-VDX ...
  • Databases: Oracle, Sybase, SQL SERVER, MYSQL ...
  • Application servers: Apache, TOMCAT, Weblogic, WebSphere.
  • Languages: C / C ++, Java, C #, .NET, Visual Embedded, Visual Basic, HTML, XML, JavaScript, Ajax
  • Graphical environments: MFC, OSF-Motif, Dataviews, IlogViews, X-Window.
  • Test Platform: RT / RT, CCover, CppTest, TestStand, Trace32.
  • Norms and standards: DO178B (DAL A), AUTOSAR.
  • Electronic CAD: Altium, Cadence, Mentor ...