
1994 :

  • Company creation under the name TELECOM NETWORKS ENGINEERING abbreviated “TELNET”;

1995 :

  • First contract signed with an international group: The SAT, a Sagem subsidiary;

1996 :

  • Creation of Data BOX and TELNET INCORPORATED subsidiaries;

1997 :

  • Specialization in offshore developments in favour of major international groups;

1998 :

  • ISO 9001 Certification for the quality management system;;

2001 :

  • Obtaining the Innovation Award from the Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

2002 :

  • Acquisition of a new high-tech registered office at the North Urban Centre in Tunis;

2004 :

  • Internationalization: Implementation of TELNET CONSULTING subsidiary in France;

2006 :

  • level 5 Certification according to CMMi model;
  • Implementation in El Gha-zala Technological Pole of TELNET TECHNOLOGIES subsidiary.

2007 :

  • Creation of PLM Systems subsidiary;
  • Implementation of a second site in Sfax subsidiary of TELNET TECHNOLOGIES

2008 :

  • Creation of the Joint Venture « Altran Telnet Corporation » in association with the Altran Group;
  • Cooperation Agreement with the Atomic Energy Commission/ MINATEC;

2009 :

  • Relocation of the new Techno-centre at Les Berges du Lac;
  • An agreement with SAFRAN Group in the aeronautics, security and smart cards fields;
  • Signing of a framework agreement with Dassault Systèmes “PLM for the digital economy in Tunisia”;
  • Membership at the Arab ICT Organization (AICTO);
  • Membership at the French competitiveness hub “SYSTEM@TIC Paris Region”;
  • Creation of two new subsidiaries: TELNET ELECTRONICS in Tunisia and Data BOX France in France;

2010 :

  • Creation of the research platform LINKLAB in partnership with CEA;
  • Obtaining « Award » from Tunisian- American Chamber of Commerce;
  • Obtaining the ISO 9001 certification, 2008 version of Data BOX;
  • Launching of the TELNET HOLDING company entry project in the stock exchange market.

2011 :

  • Election of TELNET CONSULTING as a member of the SYSTEM@TIC Directory, Paris-region;
  • Obtaining the “CAREBOX” project labelling the SYSTEM@TIC competitive pole, Paris-Region;
  • Invitation of TELNET HOLDING to “The New Tunisia’s Investment Conference” held in Tunis;
  • Participation of TELNET HOLDING in the ITU Salon in Geneva for the presentation of its “Product” know-how;
  • TELNET HOLDING signs a letter of intent for the establishment of a common product engineering structure with “La croix Electronique”;
  • Admission of TELNET HOLDING company to the main securities Stock Exchange in Tunis;
  • Holding of the first ordinary General Assembly of TELNET HOLDING open to the public;
  • New implementation abroad:
    • TELNET GmbH in Germany “Münchner Technologie Zentrum”;
    • TELNET NORTH AMERICA at USA “Technology Park of Houston”;
    • TELNET MIDDLE EAST “TME” at United Arab Emirates “Hamriyah Free Zone”.


  • Participation in Embedded World salon 2012 at Nuremberg;
  • Launching of the project « MINIATEC TELNET » at El Ghazala Technological Park and inauguration of innovation towers;
  • DataBox subsidiary has obtained from polycom manufacturer the award « Best Partner for the MENA region » during GITEX 2012 salon in Dubai and « POLYCOM PLATINUM » certificate;
  • DataBox subsidiary has obtained the « Pinnacle Award 2012 » from Digium manufacturer on Africa;


  • Signing an important contract between the branch TELNET GmBH and Lufthansa Systems Company for the installation of an IP/ MPLS network in Africa;
  • Constitution of a new branch named « TELNET INNOVATION LABS »;
  • Setting up a development platform for the equipment manufacturer TREVES with PLM SYSTEMS branch;
  • The Branch PLM SYSTEMS strengthens its partnership with DASSAULT SYSTEMES as unique V.A.R for the supply and assistance of PLM solutions for Aeronautics, Automotive, Energy and Consumption Products industries;
  • The branch Data BOX has obtained for the second consecutive year the award of the best Plycom Partner in the Africa/Middle East area in the show “GITEX 2013” held in Dubai.


  • The subsidiary DataBox obtains the price of Dgium “2014 Pinnacle Partner Award”;
  • The DataBox subsidiary is participating for the third time to « tech.days » of Microsoft;
  • Financial communication at Techno-centre;
  • Participation of the TELNET HOLDING Group in the workshop Elgazala Innovation Day (EID’ 2014) ;
  • Participation of the TELNET HOLDING Group in Workshop Data BOX / Adtran;
  • Appointment of Mr. Raouf CHEKIR as a General Manager of TELNET HOLDING S.A;
  • Maintaining the ISO 9001 certification, version 2008;


  • Visit from Mr. Shaesub LEE Director of the Standardization Sector to the UIT;
  • Participation of the Group in Embedded World salon 2015 in Nuremberg;
  • Appointment of Mr. Mohamed FRIKHA as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TELNET HOLDING company;
  • The subsidiary Data BOX is elected as the unique partner of “Oracle”;
  • The subsidiary Data BOX obtained the TL9000 certification;


  • The appointment of Mr. Sami KHOUAJA as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TELNET HOLDING S.A Company;
  • The appointment of Mr. Mohamed FRIKHA as General Manager of the TELNET HOLDING S.A company;
  • Renewal of the ISO 9001 certification VERSION 2008 for the activities of the group relating project management, the conception, the development, the integration, the technical assistance testsof the software products in the field of ICT and electronics;
  • The group became the first Tunisian Group certified EN 9100: 2009 in avionics and defense;
  • Signing a partnership convention with « SMART TUNISIA » for the employment of 120 engineers in 3 years;
  • Participation of the group in Embedded World 2016 salon, in Nuremberg;
  • Visit of delegation of A.E.C (Atomic Energy Comission) for the activation of the common projects of innovation (white room) in the framework of the European Program of Innovation H2020 adopted by the Tunisian Parliament “A.R.P” in February 2016;
  • Adoption of the development strategy 2017-2019 and the establishment of strategic committee « COSTRA » for the monitoring of its application;
  • Consolidation of the group internationalization through new markets: Germany, Canada, Japan, Gulf countries
  • Obtaining the SPICE Level 3 certification for Software engineering for Engine control systems, Displays & Instrument clusters activities in the Automotive field.